This weekend marked a huge milestone for Service Never Sleeps (SNS): Our inaugural class of Fellows graduated! Throughout the celebration of their completed service year, I was overwhelmed with a combined sentiment of pride and hope.
As I handed the Presidential Service Award to each Fellow this past Saturday, I reflected on what they had accomplished. Their service year required volunteering at least 10 hours monthly at their assigned nonprofits, participating in SNS’ monthly leadership sessions, and leading service efforts with their employers—all while still working full-time jobs.
We asked for quite a commitment from our Fellows, and I am so honored to have them as Ambassadors representing this organization. Through their dedication, they demonstrated that we all have the capacity to serve meaningfully. Through their spirits, they enforced my belief that there are wonderful people whose selfless intentions are to contribute to improving this world. Through their impact, they proved that just those two factors are enough to make a difference. My hope in positive change is kept alive through these Servant Leaders.
I often reflect on the most inspiring moments of this SNS journey, and examples of the Fellows’ impact continue to rank highest on the (long) list. I have watched them grow into change-agents. These alumni have left the nest as participants, and now join me as teammates as we continue to promote social justice on a macro-scale. I couldn’t be more honored to serve with this fantastic crew in the journey ahead.
Yours in service,
Whitney Parnell
CEO & Co-Founder