Tireless Action Toward Social Justice

A world where equal rights, justice and opportunity are available to all of us.

Our Vision & Mission
for Justice

Our vision is a world where equal rights, justice and opportunity are available to all.

We empower justice-minded individuals with the tools and posture to be effective allies, and to create equity within their spheres of influence.

What We Do

Allyship Trainings

Allyship is an active way of life in one’s respective areas of privilege that centers bridge-building to pursue social justice for everyone. This is accomplished by centering BIPOC and other marginalized people, working on the self, and influencing others. We offer a variety of trainings focused on these principles for organizations and individuals.

Black-Led Project

SNS launched a research project to explore the question 'What Does it Mean to Be Black-Led?' which engaged Black leaders across the country to better understand their leadership experiences. Now, a new report details the findings from this project and SNS offers an accompanying training so communities can deepen their understanding of the issues Black leaders face and how to support their success.

Support Service Never Sleeps

Your donation is critical in supporting our organization’s growth and work.

“Service Never Sleeps is unique in that unlike most volunteer opportunities, this is truly a year of service, where I am expected to integrate into the non-profit, learn how to best use my skills, and put them to use in a meaningful way.”

- Former Fellow

I participated in many racial justice trainings over the years but this was truly the best. The skill building piece was absolutely critical — learning about privilege and injustice is important, but having the skills to be an ally is key. I really appreciated how [the trainer] emphasized that we can all be allies in different circumstances yet still kept racial justice at the forefront of the training.

- Allyship Training Participant
